How can we support you?

  • We can support with developing and building on language skills for children aged 12 months to 18 years old. Language includes learning and using new words, forming sentences, recalling or creating stories, and much more. Our speech therapists can support with both expressive language (talking) and receptive language (understanding). We can support with written language too!

  • This includes using visuals, iPad apps, and dedicated devices as a way of communicating. This can be for people who are non speaking, or for people who may experience times where they find it difficult to access their speech. We are confident in supporting people of all ages with AAC.

  • We support people to understand their unique brains, their communication and connection preferences, as well as how to advocate for their needs!

  • Gestalt language processing is a style of language learning hat involves picking up language in ‘chunks’. Children who process language in this way often use delayed ‘echolalia’, may repeat phrases from their favourite shows, and sometimes really enjoy music. We can support your child to develop their language skills in the way that works for them!

  • We can support both children and adults who stutter to find a way of communicating that is effective for them.

  • We believe that the best therapy progress happens when someone’s carers are supported to help them. This is especially a great option for those who wish to access our services over telehealth.

  • We can support your child and your family to find meal time and feeding strategies that work for your unique situation.

  • We can support your child who has difficulties with pronouncing sounds clearly to improve their confidence and communicate effectively.

  • We can support children and teenagers to develop their literacy skills.

  • We advocate for you or your child by providing education to the people in their support network. This can include schools/pre-schools, other family members, partners, and other allied health professionals. We can provide advocacy and education in a range of areas, including neurodiversity affirming practise, the autistic neurotype, AAC, and gestalt language processing.

Costs and Funding options

    • 45 minute therapy session: $193.99, including an additional 15 minutes for record keeping/progress review

    • Non contact therapy supports: Any non contact support provided that exceeds 10 minutes, will be charged at $193.99 per hour.

  • We can provide services to those who are plan managed or self managed. To find out if you/your young person are eligible for the NDIS, please access the NDIS website: or call them on 1800 800 110.

  • At As You Are, we have a commitment to accessibility of services. Please don't hesitate to reach out to discuss flexible payment options tailored to your situation.